Available in chicken, turkey, beef, lamb, rabbit, wild salmon, venison, pork, kangaroo, duck and wild herring.

Available in chicken, turkey, beef, lamb, rabbit, wild salmon/chicken blend, venison, pork and kangaroo.

We only use fresh vegetables with an emphasis on leafy greens (minimum 50%).

We offer raw meaty bones that can be fed as a meal for your dog to enjoy on occasion.
Natural Instincts was born out of a desire to help our family pet, a German Shepherd named Max.
Max suffered from many health problems. Hip dysplasia, osteoarthritis and hot spots were just a few of the problems that were affecting his quality of life. Like many people, I thought I was feeding him a good diet, one of the so called “Premium” brands of processed dry dog food. The brochure promised “a complete diet”, guaranteed to provide him with all the nutrition he needed for a full, long and healthy life. The company even discouraged supplementing and adding table scraps. Doing so would make the diet “unbalanced”. Why then, did Max and so many other pets suffer from so many debilitating diseases? It almost seemed as though modern dogs and cats were just born inherently weak and defective.
I have always maintained a great interest in nutrition. Early on I had a feeling that something wasn’t right. The idea that one formula could meet all the nutritional requirements of every dog or cat didn’t make sense. It occurred to me that dogs and cats were the only domesticated animals that appeared not to have a “natural” diet and were also the only animals in which the feeding of fresh foods is completely discouraged. We all know that fresh foods and variety are of paramount importance to our own health, so what is it about dogs and cats that require a diet made by “experts” in laboratories, a diet that discouraged fresh foods and variety?
I began to research the subject and soon realized that our pets do have a natural, biologically appropriate diet, and it is full of variety! All dogs are closely related to the wolf and its digestive system is identical. It eats an omnivorous diet of animals and plants. All cats are closely related to the African wildcat and again its digestive system is identical. It eats a carnivorous diet of animals.
We only have to look at the diets of their wild counterparts to see exactly what constitutes a natural diet. What is a natural diet then? First and foremost it is RAW, fresh meat, bones, organs and vegetables for dogs and fresh meat, bones and organs for cats. My goal was to mimic, as closely as possible, the diet our pets were meant to eat.
After a short while of eating this biologically appropriate diet, the changes in Max were nothing short of remarkable. The damage to his joints was far too advanced to be reversed, but he became much more active and mobile. Stairs weren’t such a problem for him anymore. The hot spots cleared up and his coat became glossy again and his strong dog odour disappeared. Friends noticed the changes and soon I was making the same food for their dogs and cats and they were seeing the resulting improvements as well. I realized that I could be helping other people’s pets live healthy active lives also. I found holistic veterinarians who supported my raw food products and decided it was time to offer them to retail stores. Natural Instincts first appeared in retail stores in 2000. Since that time we have grown from one retailer to many more and are continuing to grow.
Natural Instincts has always been and still is a family owned and operated business. All of us are pet owners and pet lovers that only want the best for our own animal family members. We care deeply about the quality of the products we make. All dogs and cats should be spared the lifetime of suffering that Max endured due to his diet and that is why we are committed to producing the best quality raw pet food and will never compromise. We are dedicated to providing you and your pets with the highest quality raw pet food available.